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Friday, March 2, 2007

Why I Have To Do IVF

Hubby and I began this journey in April 2003, when I went in because I was having painful periods. Little did I know it would come to this. I have had every test done imaginable. The bloodwork, countless appts, the ultrasounds. I also learned that I had a Fibroid thats 24x17x27. Its not in a place where it should cause any problems

I started seeing a new doctor. Again, I wasnt ready to throw in the towel. I'll give the short version of my journey with the new doctor. She did everything she could to see to us getting pregnant "naturally". I ended up getting cysts for the first time ever and after being on birth control, the one cyst turned into 2 on both ovaries. I ended up having to have surgery and what was supposed to be an hr or 2 surgery, turned into 4 because the doctor found extensive adhesions, which she removed, she also removed the cysts. She decided not to remove Fibroid because she thought this would cause bleeding into my tubes, which were now both closed. She performed a Salpingostomy, it's actually called "neosalpingostomy" in hopes of opening my tubes. She then performed a Fimbrioplasty which was successful. After all of that, she applied some rubbery material called Gelfoam around my tubes and ovaries in hopes of preventing more adhesions. Also Ovarian drilling was done which from my reading, is done if women dont ovulate, that wasnt my problem and it seems that has done more harm than good because it seems like Im going into Premature Ovarian Failure. Since then my cycles have been irregular, I lost hair due to the anesthesia, which I didnt even know could happen. It's slowly but surely coming back in. Thank God for wigs and weave :-) After surgery I was wheeled into my room and from what my hubby says, he said it looked like I was knocking on deaths door. I felt horrible. It was the most horrible pain I think Ive ever felt. It was so bad that I ended up needing Morphine, which in turn made me sick as a dog. I basically had a C-section minus a baby.

Here's a pic of my scar

The other marks you see like little dots are from my laps in 2003 and 2006. I was in the hospital, I think 3 days. I then went home and it hurt so bad laying down that I ended up sleeping on the sofa, which lets out to recline, propped up on pillows. After my recovery, I did a follow up and that was a far as I could go with that doctor. I got my post op report and it said that should I become preggers, I will need a C-section due to the location of the Fibroid. At this point, we knew our only chance at becoming parents would be via IVF and here, that isnt cheap, so we looked elsewhere.2006Via a message board I visit, I was told about a Dr in Irving, Tx. which is a 3 hr drive, one way. I made the appt and we got in to see him.

August 2006
We went in for our appt on the 16th and talked with him about what the game plan would be. He performed a sonogram and I was in the process of ovulating. I had a lead follie at 26mm and my lining was at a 12. 3. Dr Le said it didnt look like I had PCOS {Polycystic Ovary Syndrome} but that my ovaries looked good, although the right one looked like it was being held down by scar tissue. My left tube was clearly visiable on the sonogram. Not good. After the sonogram, we went over the cost of everything and how the IVF process would go. He gave me and hubby some lab work to do. Hubby did a Semen Analysis at that time as well. We got hubbys S.A back on the 17th and via email, the doctor stated that: Your husband's semen analysis revealed slow motility and sperm heads that are small. Based on these findings, I recommend that we perform ICSI to make sure that your eggs have a chance to be fertilized. This is more than likely due to hubby having to take the meds for Chemo. At this point, we also decided I would go in to have my tubes removed due to the Hydrosalpinx.

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