Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

What Im Feeling...

Im mixed with emotions right now. While I was having the u/s done, I thought - why cant I be in here looking at our baby?!?

I then had to look at - ok, I didnt have to but I did - of u/s shots of a baby from 10 weeks to full term. I held it together though.

Ive been through a lot in life but this really hurts me to the core. I havent allowed it to consume my life - not like I did when I first began this journey but there are days when it really hits me of how much I long to be a (bio)mom. It's a feeling that nobody will ever understand unless theyve gone through or are going through what I am.

Ive asked myself a dozen times if I want to put my body and emotional well being thtough this - again and the answer is a mixture of yes, no, and maybe. More so of a yes because I have to know so I can get some kind of closure if there is ever one in this type of situation.

At this moment, I have a headache. Im super tired and my arm hurts from my blown vein.
I want to take a nap but time is flying by. I need to cook dinner, perm and dye my hair. I just dont have the energy but one must continue on...

And So It Begins....

AF started on Sat the 4th but I didnt have a full flow until Sunday so my doctor counted Sunday as CD1 which would put me at CD4 today.

Today consisted of getting my labs done which were...

E2 (Estradiol)
Some people do not realize this is why some women have facial and chest hair.
I keep mine
This is something new to have done and Ive been having tests done this since 2003
HGB (Electrophoresis)

One blown vein (sounds worse then it really is) and 6 vials later...

Friday, August 3, 2012

My Best Friend - My Husband

I so love this man....

The day we said - I DO!
May 26, 2012

Praying For Our Miracle

Updated Picture From Last Surgery

My tummy looks like what I call a "war zone area" but each and every surgery has been worth it in my attempts to become a (bio)mom.

It looks like I have two belly buttons huh? LOL!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

New Doctor

I saw my new RE on the 16th of July. For whatever reason, AF decided to show up 10 days - EARLY. Ole heffa.

The doctor and I went over a few things and I asked a lot of questions which he was all too happy to answer. Im in the waiting stage of my cycle (at the moment) because we cant proceed with any type of testing until AF shows up. Every single tests and then some will be performed.

Everything pretty much depends on what my results are. We can either proceed with IVF or I will be asking for a hysterectomy or possibly a way to just end my cycles which can be done via a procedure called - endometrial ablation.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Clearblue Fertility Monitor.

Ive been tracking my ovulation this month with the CFM - Clearblue Fertility Monitor. Talk about (im)patiently waiting to see the 2 bars I received today which hopefully will lead to 3 in the next day or 2.

Im at my peak today. CD13.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

My Last Surgery

Some time in 2008, I went back to my doctor to have a lap done - again - but it turned into a full blown surgery.
Why? Cause the doctor had punctured my intestines which upon looking into my medical records, had been the 2nd time.

Preparing to head into surgery

When I woke up, you talk about sick to the stomach. Come to find out I wasnt taking too well to the Morphine. I couldnt be released until I had a bowel movement which took about 3 freaking days.

My tummy is all swollen

I had my staples removed by doctor who saw this and stated I should keep it dry and dressed. After a few days, it wasnt getting any better.
After going to ER because I started feeling miserable and with a fever, learned there was infection AND a hole

I was sent to the wound care center where they did my initial wound care and then taught us how to do it. Each day I had to pack and unpack my would with sterile gauze. The right bottom pic shows that it was starting to heal.